Friday, September 18, 2009


My request for fall jams was met with a very enthusiastic response.
In one day I received two CDs from a DJ friend that were filled with music specifically selected for running, and one very surprising CD (in the mail!) from a fellow blogger. Ms. Fever, someone must have told you how much I like getting mail.

But, I am ashamed to say that I have not given any of them enough attention. The running music has gotten slightly more as I have more and more days when that is the only time I listen to music.

Yes, really.

If I am not in the office, and ride my bike (wearing headphones while biking is DANGEROUS. DON'T DO IT.) between destinations I often go for significant periods of time without hearing any music. Or at least music I would like to hear. I'm not going to count anything pumped into a grocery store, elevator, etc.

My fondness of music also prevents me from listening as much as I would like. Let me explain.

While Ms. Fever mentioned how music can hang in the background, I have a hard time letting it stay there. I've never been someone who can listen to music while reading. I end up singing along, either out loud or just in my head, and lose track of what I'm reading. This is less true for writing, but sometimes the case. One morning last week I opened a Word document I had been working on the night before to find that the last two lines were unrelated to the bulk of the text, and looked suspiciously like song lyrics.

I end up having to schedule listening time into my day, and unfortunately it is not top priority. As anyone who has seen my calendar can attest there's not a lot of blank space. If listening is part of my job/volunteer work it gets bumped up a little. One thing that I have gotten to hear, for example, is the new Forro In The Dark record, Light A Candle. Initially, I was disappointed, but after a few listens through, it has grown on me enormously. Lucky for me, FITD will be gracing us with their presence at the Global Roots Festival that starts next week. NEXT WEEK. Holy cow. I can hardly believe it. Because the first show I ever worked as a House Manager was during the Nordic Roots festival, it never feels like the season has really started until the festival is underway.

For a full rundown of the festival, head over here. I hope to see you there.

1 comment:

janderso said...

Definitely hear you, wish I had more time to listen to music...can't keep it in background either, unless it's instrumental. Running is a great time to listen, I get to listen on longer car rides as well. Anyway, if you do get a chance to run and listen, I just recently posted a list of over 7 hrs of music for runners based on their running pace. The songs have a faster Beats Per Minute (BPM) so you don't subconsciously slow down to the beat of a song. As you mention getting "impatient" w/ single genres and like having a large playlist, perhaps these playlists will help w/ bands like Vampire Weekend, The Kills, Gorillaz, The Kings, Arctic Monkeys, The Clash, etc. Check it out at: