Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Through Silence We Achieve Bliss...or Rather Wolf.

The Professor in our previous post refers to Bon Iver's songs requiring the full attention of the listener and his hunch that Cedar patrons are one of the audiences that 'gets it.' I couldn't agree more with Prof on this and encourage seeing Justin and crew live. It is remarkable how they can turn a loud room silent upon singing the first note.
This is a wonderful opportunity to let you know about other another Cedar show where your undivided attention will only enhance the experience.

January 24th we welcome local songwriter Aby Wolf to the Cedar. It isn't the beautiful timbre of her voice that gets me but her use of harmony, layering and an oddly wonderful sense of melody. I have seen her a few times in other local venues and the subtleties were lost in the clanking of bottles, and the mindless chatter of the drunks. Isn't that what makes the Cedar such an incredible venue?! It can get so quiet in the room that I can hear someone texting on their cellphone! By the way, unless it's an emergency, there really isn't any reason you should be texting during a concert unless it's to tell a friend to get down to the show and not miss out! That's three exclamations in a row...wow.
Anyway, Aby Wolf. Take a look from a solo rendition of 'Focus' recorded at Pachyderm Studios, from Aby's 'Sweet Prudence' record which sees it's proper release on the 24th.

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